Total messages: 16 Original URL: Ivy (2022-09-25): Very guestworthy yes much enjoy c: WebGame2K (2022-09-21): nice redesign. Nicolas Sequeira (2022-09-20): Fun website- I enjoy those rolling green hills, they call to memory a delightful aesthetic. 8/10 > lime360 (2022-10-03): Thank you! But recently I changed the green hills to an image that I found on Unsplash. Anyways, thank you again for a review. ~lime360 goblino (2022-09-14): pretty sparkles nice site ben dover (2022-09-03): sdfkjsdfjsdfljsdflsdf;klsdfewf Skeletalcomrade (2022-09-01): cool buttons, nice site! ghbvtfy (2022-08-23): “I want to thank Google, Wikipedia, and to whoever invented copy and past. Thank you.” Allana (2022-08-23): You should be proud, this website is super adorable, and I love the styles you've chosen! With love, Another person learning to build a site :) <3 Von (2022-05-18): OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo aiden! (2022-01-28): ty for the follow!!!! your website seems rly cool -)) oiwa (2022-01-11): hppy new year Hekate (2022-01-10): Sexy website. I will be borrowing a button :-T wow (2021-12-31): wow Neobean (2021-12-11): Epic Retroworks (2021-12-01): ¿Wat im doing here? (2021-11-30): Thank you for choosing a free guestbook from This is a first test message. In order to change any settings or the design, please click on the link at the bottom marked 'Login and change settings'. You are welcome to delete this message if you want. Good luck and best regards,